MegaFlorestais Assessment Consultant
Rights and Resources Group
Washington, district of columbia
1. Introduction
In 2025 both the RRI coalition and MegaFlorestais network will celebrate their 20th anniversaries. This will be a moment to look back on the past and build a vision for the future of the RRI coalition. During this review process, we will assess various RRI initiatives, including MegaFlorestais. These reviews will inform the next phase of the coalition as we rise to the current and emerging challenges in the community forestry sector.
The MegaFlorestais assessment has been requested by coalition and board members during annual planning meetings. Since MegaFlorestais has mostly operated as an independent initiative, its activities and results have not always been explicitly connected to other coalition activities. Partners, collaborators and board members have therefore requested to better understand how MegaFlorestais contributes to RRI objectives and what are the benefits of the network to advance our joint mission of securing...