Board Certified Physician Reviewers (MD, DO) - Multiple Specialties
Dane Street, LLC
Dane Street is looking for individuals to conduct Group Health reviews. This review will include a clinical summary, potential calls to the treating providers, and responses to questions posed.
- The average length of time to review each case is between 15-20 minutes
- The cases are prepared for you before they are provided for your review
- There are times when calls will need to be made
- Dane Street will help arrange any peer-to-peer phone calls, if needed.
Dane Street is also looking for individuals who would also be interested in participating in Panel Hearing calls. These calls require the physician to dedicate 1 hour of time. The calls are scheduled and set up for the physician(s). Panel Hearing calls are typically scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance to provide the physicians with plenty of notice.
Panel Appeal Hearings are a component of the referral assignment from one of our clients. Dane Street and its clients...