Pacific Western Region Unitarian Universalist Association
Boston, massachusetts
Job Details
Not Specified
Full Job Description
Facilitator Request for Packet
Description of Project
- Overall aim of project: Establishment of a healthy, collaborative relationship between staff and volunteer leaders in the Pacific Western Region.
- Project (Estimated duration: 1-2 months; fully online; projected completion Spring/Summer 2024).
- Mutual acknowledgement of past harms, conflicts, and difficulties in relationship with recommendations for a process to define a new relationship that is not supervisory in nature, like a shared ministry.
- Project involves communication with about 30 current and former staff and volunteer leaders.
- Pay range is $50-$100/hour based on experience. Maximum contract amount including other expenses is $10,000.
Desired Criteria
- Must have experience in doing right relations work, particularly with nonprofits/religious organizations.
- Have experience working in interfaith communities, including liberal religions.
- Have working knowledge of Unitarian Universalism, its values, and an understanding of what a covenantal culture is.
- Must be free of relationships or other potential conflicts of interests within Unitarian Universalism that could interfere with their ability to fully engage in this work that involves the Pacific Western Region and potentially the larger UUA.
Applicant Packet Submission
- Cover letter.
- Resume.
- A 1-page description of a case where the applicant played a similar role in leading a right relations project, including the story of the project and reflection on what went well and what did not.
Submit questions and packet to [email protected].